Shop flowers with same-day delivery to Dover, OH, surrounding areas or nationwide.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Pam's Posies offers same-day delivery of quality flowers, plants, and gifts to the greater Dover, Ohio area and same-day anywhere in surrounding areas. Trust Pam's Posies of Dover to deliver flowers. Pam's Posies’ arrangements feature farm-direct flowers including hydrangea, tulips, gerbera daisies, lilies, orchids, tropical and exotic flowers, garden roses, peonies, and more. Every arrangement, gift, or garden basket is custom designed and hand-delivered. Backed by Pams Posies “100% Satisfaction Guarantee” means that if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase we’ll be happy to send a replacement or work towards the perfect solution for your needs. Experience the difference between expertly designed bouquets from your local family-owned Florist, Pam's Posies.